Case Study:

The Hood

Creative Direction, Brand Development & Activation


The Hood


As a new training facility, The Hood needed a unique identity. What differentiated this brand from similar ones was Jay’s history and experience with the sport. To capitalize on this aspect, it was important to have his voice at the forefront and to play up his persona within everything we developed. We did this through the visual identity, the voice and tone of the brand, and by developing an aesthetic inspired by the history of baseball.



Up and coming baseball hopefuls look up to and respect Jay Hood. Capitalizing on his name and creating a brand that taps into his persona will resonate with the intended target market.


We created many key visual elements to tie it all together and make the brand feel unified. The identity was based on two archetypes: The Hero and The Sage. These create the foundation for the rest of the visual brand and act as its voice. Using traits of The Hero archetype, we focused on developing a photographic direction that emphasized moments of triumph. This followed through to the voice, where we combined aspects of The Hero and The Sage to create a suite of taglines that sought to inspire, motivate, and uplift. The aesthetic direction of the rest of the collateral followed through with these traits of the archetypes to create a system that spoke true to Jay Hood’s persona, felt unique, and maintained a sense of unity. The bold aesthetic developed for the brand’s physical collateral carried through to the facility interiors and exteriors.


What We Did

The Hood is a local Atlanta establishment that provides a space where focused training and coaching helps develop and refine the skills of future players. We came alongside them to define the brand’s positioning and its visual representation.

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The Results

A beautiful award-winning brand identity that speaks to the intended target market of amateur baseball players, while standing out and being recognized in the creative community. Up and coming baseball players around the state are coming to the Hood to be trained by the great Hood Rat himself! And a brand that started small has continued to grow and evolve with new elements being added with various pieces of relevant brand swag.